Larry T Patterson

M.D. | Pediatric Nephrology | Male

Larry T Patterson, M.D. is a Gainesville, Florida based Pediatric doctor with medical specialization in Pediatric Nephrology. Current practice location of Larry T Patterson is 1600 Sw Archer Rd # 100296, Gainesville, Florida - 32610. He can be contacted on phone at 330-543-8950. Larry T Patterson is a sole proprietor of his business.
NPI number (Unique professional ID) for Larry T Patterson is 1225060908 which was assigned by NPPES on 06 Jul, 2006 and it was last updated on 31 Jul, 2018. Larry T Patterson license number is ME135748 for Pediatrics Pediatric Nephrology (2080P0210X) in Florida.
Larry T Patterson deals with the normal and abnormal development and maturation of the kidney and urinary tract, the mechanisms by which the kidney can be damaged, the evaluation and treatment of renal diseases, fluid and electrolyte abnormalities, hypertension and renal replacement therapy.
Complete Profile:
Larry T Patterson basic information including his official name, gender, specialization, credentials etc. are as mentioned below.
Specialization :Pediatrics Pediatric Nephrology
Provider Name :Larry T Patterson
Credential :M.D.
Gender :Male
Business Address:
Larry T Patterson address, contact phone number and fax are as below. Patients can directly walkin to the clinic or can call on the below given phone number for appointment.
Primary Address :1600 Sw Archer Rd # 100296
Gainesville, FL, 32610
United States
Phone Number :330-543-8950
Professional Identification Codes:
NPI number stands for National Provider Identifier which is a unique 10-digit identification number issued to health care providers in the United States by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS). NPI details are as mentioned below.
NPI Number : 1225060908
NPI Entity Type : Individual
First Enrolment Date : 06 Jul, 2006
Last Updated On : 31 Jul, 2018
Medicare Participation:
Larry T Patterson participates in medicare and accepts medicare insurance either directly or through association with group practice or medical facility.
Medicare PECOS ID :7012182165
Medicare Enrollment ID :I20180810002332
Primary Specialty :Pediatric Medicine
Medical School :Pennsylvania State University College Of Medicine
Graduation Year :1984
Accepts Medicare?Yes. Larry T Patterson accepts medicare insurance.
Group Practice Association:
Larry T Patterson is associated with following Group Practice Organizations. Group practices are practice of medicine by a group of physicians who share their premises and other resources. Following list states all the group name with which Larry T Patterson is associated with along with the number of members in that group. He may also accept medicare indirectly via these group practices.
Organisation Name :Group Practice IDNo. of MembersPractice AddressGroup Accepts Medicare
Florida Clinical Practice Association Inc034514625416032001 Sw 13th St
Gainesville, FL - 326081532
Ph: 3522658990
Florida Clinical Practice Association Inc034514625416032001 Sw 13th St
Gi Clinic At Endoscopy Center
Gainesville, FL - 326081532
Ph: 3522658982
Florida Clinical Practice Association Inc034514625416031600 Sw Archer
Gainesville, FL - 326103003
Florida Clinical Practice Association Inc034514625416031600 Sw Archer Rd
Gainesville, FL - 326103003
Florida Clinical Practice Association Inc034514625416031600 Sw Archer Rd Rm
1191 Uf Health Surgical Specialists Shands Hospital
Gainesville, FL - 326103003
Ph: 3522650535
Florida Clinical Practice Association Inc034514625416032000 Sw Archer Rd
Uf Health Congenital Heart Center Medical Plaza
Gainesville, FL - 326103003
Ph: 3522658250
Florida Clinical Practice Association Inc03451462541603Uf Health Test Site Pop Up 1600 Sw Archer Rd
Gainesville, FL - 326103003
Ph: 3523921161
Florida Clinical Practice Association Inc034514625416031549 Gale Lemerand Dr
Gainesville, FL - 326103008
Ph: 3522654357
Licenses and Specialities:
Physicians/Organizations can have one or more medical licenses for different specialities in the same state or different states. Related medical licenses for Larry T Patterson are as mentioned. Primary taxonomy code for Larry T Patterson, M.D. is 2080P0210X (Pediatrics Pediatric Nephrology).
Taxonomy Code SpecialityPrimaryLicense No.State
2080P0210XPediatrics Pediatric NephrologyNo35.054631OH
2080P0210XPediatrics Pediatric NephrologyYesME135748FL
Legacy Identifiers:
Other legacy medical identifiers of Larry T Patterson such as Medicaid, Medicare PIN, NSC, UPIN etc. are mentioned below.
IdentifierIdentifier TypeStateIssuer
Mailing Address:
Mailing address can be used for mailing purpose only, for visiting purpose patients need to refer above mentioned business address only.
Mailing Address :1600 Sw Archer Rd # 100296
Gainesville, FL, 32610-3003
United States
Business Location:
Patients can refer following map for directions to Larry T Patterson practice address. Don't forget to take prior appointment before visiting.

** Data of this site is collected from Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) and NPPES.